Sending a Shipment to India

Sending a Shipment to India

In need of shipping forwarding company that can help you with sending a shipment to India from Australia. Look no further! With frequent sailings from Australia to wherever in India, Transco Cargo (part of the Transco International group) can be of great assistance to you. With a large network of agents throughout Australia, you are so much closer to getting the best shipping rate for sending a cargo shipment to India.

Working with Transco Cargo when sending a shipment to India is extremely easy; the following steps are all you really need.

  1. Visit the Indian Shipment Schedule
  2. Inquire via the Quick Quote for Shipping to India
  3. Hear back from our Shipping Representative Promptly via email or phone

Another way to go about it would be via the Mobile App we have launched, available both on iPhone and Android devices, where you can access the likes of the following;

  1. Shipment dates
  2. Pick/Drop Locations
  3. Quick Quote
  4. Box Delivery
  5. Blog & Newsletters

You can get all the info you are after at your fingertips, making it easier when you are sending a shipment to India.  The best place to get an idea on what shipping boxes or shipping chests/crates are ideal for your cargo, would be at the Personal Effects Boxes and Crates page. The dimension of each box is given in the page, and will help you decide which would be suitable to fit the cargo you are planning to send to India. The dimensions will be especially important when you are planning on sending your shipment to India on LCL basis, as the shipping rate is calculated based on volume.

We advise you should back small yet heavy items in the smaller cardboard boxes or smaller chests/crates (like the tea chest), and lighter but larger items in various quantities in the larger boxes or crates. This will help ensure the sturdiness and stability of the box or chest during LCL deconsolidation and consolidation.

If you are located in Victoria, Transco Cargo has three stuffing locations at the Campbellfield, Noble Park, and Hoppers Crossing warehouses. You can bring your cargo for you Indian shipment, and get help with loading the items. Another option would be to call us ahead of time, and then have us drop off the container off at the selected address when choosing FCL basis of shipping.

When it comes to personal baggage shipping, you can simply contact us and we will recommend the best option to take when it comes to either choosing air cargo or sea cargo for sending your accompanied personal baggage to India.