Preparing for a Move Overseas

Preparing for a Move Overseas

A move overseas can be difficult, whether it’s for professional, personal, or both reasons. We are available to assist you in getting ready to go abroad. Even though packing and moving may seem simple in and of themselves, there are other factors to take into account before your move. We are here to share some insider information with you that will help you as you get ready to relocate abroad.

Do your homework and familiarize yourself with the city you are relocating to. Knowing where you’re going is crucial, as is knowing what paperwork you need to move there. While you should make sure that your visa and immigration details are in order, if you’re planning to move overseas for employment, your company is responsible for making sure that all requirements are met. It would be your responsibility to follow up with the required departments and get things sorted up right away. These are all your responsibilities if you are the business owner.

Put together a calendar and a packing list. Make a decision regarding what you will take with you and what you will leave behind (by giving, selling, recycling, or throwing away). The same rule applies to moving for both personal and professional reasons: if you are moving into a furnished home, you do not need to pack your furniture such beds, cabinets, and more. While certain equipment and furnishings may be packed up and transported if your company is expanding abroad, you should be aware of space restrictions and whether all of your present office’s furniture will fit in the new location. Consider what is required for your move overseas as much as you can. This can also assist in reducing delivery expenses.

Sort out your documents for your move overseas way in advance; don’t leave it to the last minute. When getting ready to move overseas, it is imperative that you have the following documents in order.

It is crucial that you have the following documents in order when preparing for a move to India. We recommend that these are hand-carried when flying, and should keep in waterproof bag of your home until your move, preferably in a fireproof safe.

  • Passports that are valid for at least another six months;
  • International driving permits;
  • Birth certificates for every member of the moving family;
  • Marriage licenses, divorce decrees, child custody arrangements, and legal paperwork (with concern to adoption);
  • Contact information for the closest embassy or consulate of your country;
  • Copies of the aforementioned documents, copies of credit card numbers and phone numbers, and copies of the information page on each passport should be kept with you at all times when moving;
  • Health insurance for every member of the family;
  • Immunization and important medical records for the entire family;
  • Family members’ most recent photos for emergencies;
  • Prescription drugs (enough for the duration of the trip plus two weeks’ worth)

We advise hand carrying items when traveling by air and keeping them in a waterproof bag at home until your move, preferably in a fireproof safe.

These are just some of the advice and tips that we, here at Transco Cargo, recommend when preparing for a move overseas. Let us know your tips.

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