The Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement

The Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement

Looking at business opportunities outside of Australia, why not consider New Zealand. Entering the New Zealand market is beneficial with Australia’s closest neighbour whether you’re considering import or export. As the 8th largest trading partner, Australian-New Zealand trading is one that is extremely beneficial.

Some of the benefits include the Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement which is called Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement also known as ANZCERTA. Another benefit of trading between Australia-New Zealand is the thriving New Zealand marketplace.

So, what does the 1983 signed Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement bring to the table? We’ve put together some insights into the comprehensive trade agreement that covers almost all trade between the two neighbouring countries. Strengthening economic relations between the two countries being the sole purpose with the assistance of putting aside all barriers to entry. The Australian- New Zealand Trade Agreement benefits include the likes of the below.

No Tariffs or Quantitative Restrictions on Trade has been established with a Free Trade Area (FTA) whereby as long as a valid Certificate of Origin is presented when declaring your cargo.

Via the Australia New Zealand Food Authority or ANZFA which was established in 1995 food standards compliance with results in lower compliance coasts and not to mention less red tape during clearance.

With the help of the Trade in Services Protocol trading between Australia and New Zealand can proceed with restriction-free services.

As the friendly neighbours have mutual interests on the table with the help of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement occupational recognition is possibly whereby skilled workers can move freely between the two countries easily with the removal of technical barriers to trade,

The Investment Protocol which was signed in 2013 has helped facilitate easier two-way investments.

Apart from the above mentioned ANZCERTA, it should be noted that in 2009 Australia-New Zealand also entered into a trade agreement with ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) towards the Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (ANZFTA).

The Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement

The Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreement