Why you should Request for Marine Cargo Insurance Coverage

Why you should Request for Marine Cargo Insurance Coverage

A lot of business that trade in goods internationally make it a point to take on marine cargo insurance coverage because it safeguards their bottom line against losses for whichever reason (which we will talk about a little later in the blog).  If you are planning on freighting goods overseas via ocean cargo during seasons in which hurricanes or storms are likely to hit, extra protection for your goods can come in handy to ensure that your business is safeguarded. However, it is a more different approach when it comes to personal effects and sentimental goods. Let’s find out what you should be prepared for and why you should request marine cargo insurance coverage when freighting goods overseas.

Transco Cargo Australia - Why you should Request for Marine Cargo Insurance Coverage

Pathways of Tropical Storms | Marine Cargo Insurance Coverage


Knowing that your goods are being shipped via vessels over the ocean, you need to take that into that in the event that the vessel hits rough seas or unfavorable weather, the packed goods within the containers, be it in shipping boxes or shipping crates, may end up getting “jostled” or may move around within. Due to this factor, all cargo within said shipping crate or shipping boxes needs to have been packed properly. This is essentially the first preventive measure or line of defense that you can take before you request marine cargo insurance coverage.

By protecting your goods from the get-go, these are easy and cost effective ways in which you can safeguard your personal possessions or commercial goods. A freight forwarder clearly states their standard trading conditions, and a customer should take due precaution to read these as they state what they are liable and responsible for, and what the customer needs to undertake. The Transco Cargo Trading Conditions clearly state the terms, including the adequacy of packing, ensuring that proper branding is included pertaining to contents within, as well as what the freight forwarders liability entails. By understanding these terms, you are able to request marine cargo insurance coverage against risks that you may be open to.

Thus, once you know exactly what your freight forwarder is offering you and what comes under a customer’s liability, you are able to partner up with a shipping insurance provider to get yourself marine cargo insurance coverage. All Risks Coverage is one that shippers can benefit from, which include protection against the likelihood of damages or losses due to a number of factors. The included aspects under All Risks Coverage are damages due to improper packaging, infestation, cargo abandonment, customs rejection, employee and dishonesty. Speak to our representatives to have you get in touch with our partner shipping insurance providers to request marine cargo insurance coverage for your next cargo shipment.